Engaging and varied content for a company's social media pages is nearly impossible for one person to create. Make it a group effort; get your whole team on board and you'll win the content game. Here are five steps to spark creativity and diversity in your social media presence.
1 - Get buy-in from Management
Meet with management to review the model of involving more employees...customers and channel partners will feel more engaged with your company if they are experiencing a broader cross section of company culture and activities. Be clear that employees will not have direct access to post on the company's page but will submit ideas, content, photos/videos, etc. for consideration. Your plan should be presented to all department leaders. A strong social media presence benefits everyone...and customers respond positively to transparency into non customer-facing departments.
2 - Allow Teams to Collaborate
Invite all departments to participate in content marketing activities like brainstorming (either as a group or on an idea board). With a clearly defined set of parameters, each department can contribute engaging content. Working as a team will build
3 - Establish a Mechanism for Submissions
Not everyone will be interested in participating, which is fine. Those who do contribute will need a mechanism for submitting their content. Consider opening a discussion channel on a sharing platform like Google Drive, Dropbox or Slack just to name few. You will also want to introduce social media policies and guidelines so everyone is clear on the goals and objectives.
4 - Employees sharing Company Content
Most of your employees are already on at least one social media platform. Be sure to ask everyone to share company content on their personal pages. Brand messages extend further when shared by people versus the same message via official brand pages.
5 - Curate Content from Employee Pages
Share some of the "best posts" from employees personal pages onto your company page. Do you have a spelling bee champion in your company's extended family? Share it. By doing this, you will encourage employee loyalty and likely receive more posts about your brand. Your company can even give bragging rights to the team with the most post engagement.